Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Impact of Capitalism on Environmental Sustainability Goals

Impact of Capitalism on Environmental Sustainability Goals Assignment title: How Significant Is Capitalism Towards Impeding Environmental Sustainability Goals? Introduction There seems to be a universal agreement across nations, social economics and cultural classes that human beings face numerous and unprecedented challenges at the economical and environmental levels. Due to the scarcity of natural resources, theres a severe degradation of the planet, poverty, food shortage, and demographic shift due to urbanisation, globalisation as well as the global economy that is today increasingly becoming complex, fragile and interconnected thus presenting some of the significant challenges to environmental goals. The aim of this paper is to explore how significant is capitalism towards impeding environmental sustainability goals. To achieve this goal, this paper will examine some of the basics of capitalism with regard to the exploitation of resources and people for profit. The paper will also utilise political theory such as Realism and Constructivism in order to understand why countries are opposed to agreements for environmental sustainability. Further, this paper will attempt to discuss some of the issues that have impeded the realisation of sustainable capitalism through the use several empirical studies that illustrate the compelling economic concern for environmental goals. Most of the studies show that it is a good business practice to undertake a more conscious, mindful and sustainable approach, but that is not always the case as many states do not want to reduce environmental populations with the fear of losing their competitive advantage in the global market.   This paper has found that capitalism impedes environmental sustainability goals through global competition of limited resources. In fact, countries such as China and the United States have no limit on the emission level of greenhouse gases in order to remain competitive and industrialised, and thus degrading the environment. Capitalism and Environmental Sustainability It is first important to understand what is capitalism and environmental sustainability goals and how both relate to each other within the perspective of global economical development. According to Mariana and Barkley Jr (2003) capitalism involves an economical system that is based on private ownership as one of the factors of production as well as their operations for profit making. In a capitalist economy, investments and decision making are largely determined by owners of the private businesses in capital and financial markets, while distribution and prices of different goods are determined by competition within the local and global market. Environmental goals or sustainable objectives are generally a multitude of internationally agreed objectives and goals regarding environmental, which are part of the essential documents of United Nations summits and conferences resolutions of the General Assembly (UNEP, 2016). Environmental goals are decisions made through global intergovernmen tal conferences as well as multilateral environmental agreements of their governing bodies. In fact, the compendium of environmental goals is referred as the Global Environmental Goals (GEGs) (UNEP, 2016). Having described capitalism and environmental goals, there are some correction that hold between the two terms that is today under global debate. Having said that, in the current conditions that is characterised by immerse globalisation, gaps between states as well as different social categories, the environmental goals becomes a essentials for all nations across the globe. The Significance of Capitalism towards impeding Environmental Sustainability goals Beginning with 1972 UN Stockholm conference about global development, sustainable and eco-development development become the major topic of the year. However, in the same year, the UN published its first report titled Limit to Growth that presented several economic issues, environmental pollution, increased depletion of natural resources, accelerated population growth and their significant relationships. In the following year, the UN established the International Commission for Environment and Development and established the term sustainable development in their report titled Our Common Future. in this view, the term sustainable development represents the kind of global development within the capitalist market which has the ability to achieve the requirements of current generations without compromising the capacity of future generations in order to satisfy their own personal needs.   In this regard, its clear that the goals of the UN from the start are to help capital market t o be responsible in protecting the environment. It is also clear that many business and business owners in the past and presently are impending environmental sustainability goals. For instance, we have experienced several oil spills in different parts of the world. On May of 2016, over 2,100 barrels of oil spilled into the U.S Gulf of Mexico (Wade, Cohen and Varghese, 2016). Even though the cause of oil leak is still not established, the oil leaked from an undersea pipeline system that is operated by Shell Company leading to death of many aquatic animals. The U.S Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) stated that the spill has been observed as a 2 mile-by-13 mile sheen on the water surface as it can be observed in image 1 below.   Ã‚   The British oil company, Shell was also involved in another yet oil spill, this time in Nigeria, Niger Delta region. The oil company has been sued in the U.K Courts for decades of oil leak in the Niger Delta. In fact, the environmental issues in the Niger Delta have been related to the oil industry. A report by Vidal (2010) posted in The Guardian indicated the extent of the oil spill in Niger Delta was over 1.89 million barrels of oil were spilt between 1976 and 1996 affecting approximately 220 thousand cubic metres. In addition, the UNDP (2006) report indicated that a total of 6,617 spills between 1976 and 2001, which is as a result of over 3 million barrels of oil, where 69 percent of these spills happened off-shore, a quarter occurred in swamps and approximately 6 percent on land. As a result, farmland and forest are now covered in sheen of greasy oil (Vidal, 2010). Moreover, the 40,000-people belonging to the Ogale Community in River State in Nigeria who are mainly farmers and fishermen are largely affected (Mustoe, 2016). Since the 1989 oil spill, they dont have clean drinking water, farm land as well as the river they once claimed. The findings by Amnesty through the 2011 report by the UN Environmental Programme found water in the Delta region of Nigeria to be contaminated with oil by-products including benzene that is thought to be a carcinogen. The report suggested a clean-up by the Shell Company a sustainable recovery that could take up to approximately 30 years (Mustoe, 2016). The major cause of the leak is as a result of oil theft by local people for illegal refineries. However, Shell Company lacks adequate facilities and technology to stop the spill in case of any leak in the pipeline. Thus, the company has failed to invest the right technology that could eventually prevent environmental damage. In the above case of oil spills in the environment, environmental ethics plays a crucial role. According to the Stanford Encyclopaedia on ethics (2015), environmental ethics is the scope in philosophy that shows the moral relationship of individuals as well as the value of moral status of surrounding environment and its non-human contents. The significance of capitalism toward impeding environmental sustainable goals can also be explained through theories of international relations. Theories of such as Realism and constructivism help to explain how global system works. These theories are based on the idea that countries often act in regard to their national interests. A country interests always include self-preservation, economic prosperity, military and influence over other nations. However, many countries aim at fostering peace and economical trade. Therefore, in pursuit of economical prosperity, states might engage in different activities that might influence environmental goals. For instance, according to realism, countries operate only in order to increase their power relative to other nations and environment. A realist nation claims that the world is competitive, dangerous and a harsh place and therefore, the only way to be successful are to gain as much power as possible (Carr, 2001). This indicates that a power ful nation will often be in a capacity to outdo weaker competitors. Therefore, in regard to environmental ethics, such countries fail to protect environment as their exploit any available resource in order to remain in power both military and economically. For example, China has become the number one air polluter as a result of industrialisation. The country suffers more air pollution than any other country across the globe. Approximately two third of Chinas 360 million urban people suffer from unhealthy air pollution. China also leads with greenhouse gases emission that leads to climate change (Vandenbergh, 2007). According to Le Quà ©rà ©, et al., (2009) Chinas carbon dioxide emission tripled between 1990 and 2008. Thus, environment in China is expected to get worse as the country is increasingly constructing unbelievable amount of coal electric power plants. In addition, the number of vehicles in China is drastically increasing. Gregg, Andres, and Marland (2008) notes with the increases number of industries in China, the country is expected to increase the release of harmful gases five times in the next 25 years that what is estimated by the Kyoto Protocol to be saved. Failure of control of pollution and gases emission by china are leading other western nation to produce environmental problem. China gas emission has become a common debate in America in regard to climate change. Congress often makes two arguments in regard to China on the issue of opposing federal climate change legislation as well as international climate change treaties. In this view, the first argument that the U.S. makes is that it will lose jobs specifically to China if they regulate the cost of emitting greenhouse gases, which China will not. The second argument is that it is unfair for China to be allowed to continue emitting greenhouse gases when the U.S. is restricted its emissions. In addition, many politicians in America claim that the environment will suffer in case the U.S. limits its emission and counties such as China do not. Such an approach led the Senate to vote 97-0 in 1997 supporting the U.S will not be a signatory to any environmental protocol that aims at reducing greenhouse emission unless such protocol or agreement is scheduled to commitment of limiting greenhouse emission to other counties with the same compliance period. Therefore, the United States refused to ratify the Kyoto Protocol due to similar concerns that China continue to pollute the environment through their vast industries. As a result of global warming that is largely contributed by capitalism, a report few months ago noted that the North Pole ice cap is melting in a much faster manner than previously believed. In addition, the greenhouse gas impact has increase by 20% since 1990 (In defence of Marxism, 2016). Moreover, NASA scientists reported that glaciers are melting at a rate of 6 feet per year in 2000, but today it is melting at a rate of 75 feet per year (In defence of Marxism, 2016). In addition, it is evident that deserts have been expanding across the plant, from 624 sq miles per annum in the 70s to 1374 sq miles in the 1990s. Indeed, many of these changes have been brought by the acts of human being of degrading natural resource in pursuit of profit. Conclusion In conclusion, it is true that capitalism has impeded sustainability. From a global perspective, organisations are competing with each other to manufacture and distribute goods to every corner of the world. In addition, countries are competing to establishing as many industries are possible to in order to remain competitive and powerful. Countries are using fossil fuels such as petrol, gas and natural gas to cause carbon dioxide that contribute largely to global warming. This paper has established that companies such as Shell Petroleum have been involved with destruction of environment through oil spill.   It is with no doubt that oil spill that has happened has occurred in pursuit of profit. The company is being accused of failing to invest in the latest technologies that would stop spill in case of any oil leak within the pipeline. As a result, environment has been damaged and everything that depends on it from animals both in the land and water to human being suffers. Secondly, this paper has established that capitalism has impeded sustainability through the failure of different states to limit their emission of greenhouse gases.   There has not been an agreed protocol or an agreement on the level of greenhouse emission internationally. China has one of the highest greenhouse gas emissions that pollute the environment. In this case, other Western countries like the U.S fear that they would lose jobs to China if they agree to limit the level of emission greenhouse gases. Consequently, these trends can be reversed especially is the U.S and China governments, which are the biggest contributors to greenhouse gases agree on the maximum amount of emission. Indeed, this would affect the amount of fossil fuel such as coal, gas and natural gas consumed, which are the core causes of carbon dioxide emission and thus, global warming. As vehicles account for large amount of carbon dioxide production in many countries, the governments need to mandate the conversion of gas-propelled cars to electricity. Today we have the technology for producing electricity cars, thus such program would pose no environmental issues. In addition, countries need to adopt the construction of environmentally-friendly building in order to reduce the use of greenhouse gases. It is the hope of many environmentalists across the globe that many capital owners and businesses take into the consideration the current evidence of global warming in support of achieving the environmental goals and as well begin to think on how they can holistically achieve the ability to create value for environmental, society and shareholders simultaneously. Finally, a decisive action need to be taken in order to save planet Earth from forces posed by global warming, otherwise it will be irreversible. References Carr, E. (2001). The Twenty Years Crisis, 1919-1939: An Introduction to the Study of International Relations. Edited by M. Cox. Hampshire; NY: Palgrave. Gregg, J. S., Andres, R. J., Marland, G. (2008). China: Emissions pattern of the world leader in CO2 emissions from fossil fuel consumption and cement production. Geophysical Research Letters, 35(8). In defence of Marxism, (2016). Capitalism and the environment, Available at: http://www.marxist.com/capitalism-environment-ecology-marxism210806.htm Accessed: 12/1/2017. Le Quà ©rà ©, C., Raupach, M. R., Canadell, J. G., Marland, G., Bopp, L., Ciais, P., Friedlingstein, P. (2009). Trends in the sources and sinks of carbon dioxide. Nature Geoscience, 2(12), 831-836. Mearsheimer, J. (2001). The Tragedy of Great Power Politics. New York: Norton. Mariana. R. and Barkley Jr. J. (2003).Comparative Economics in a Transforming World Economy. MIT Press. Stanford Encyclopaedia on ethics, (2015). Environmental Ethics, Available at: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/ethics-environmental/ Accessed: 13/12/2016. UNEP, (2016). Welcome to the Global Environmental Goals (GEGs) Live Tracker. [Online] Available from: http://geodata.grid.unep.ch/gegslive/ Accessed on 12th Jan 2017. Vandenbergh, M. P. (2007). Climate Change: The China Problem. S. Cal. L. Rev., 81, 905. Vidal, J. (2010). Nigerias agony dwarfs the Gulf oil spill. The US and Europe ignore it. [Online] Available from: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/may/30/oil-spills-nigeria-niger-delta-shell. Accessed on 12th Jan 2017. Wade, T., Cohen. L. and Varghese, A. (2016). Shell Oil Spill Dumps Thousands Of Barrels Of Crude Into Gulf Of Mexico. [Online] Available from: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/shell-oil-spill-gulf-mexico_us_57353058e4b060aa7819ee00. Accessed on 12th Jan 2017.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Hair Gel :: Business Management Studies

Hair Gel Brylcreem (brill-cream) was created in 1929. It was also invented at the Chemico Works in Bradford Street in Birmingham. Brylcreem was the first mass-marketed men's hair care product. Its purpose is to keep combed hair in place. The shiny look it gave to the hair was also fashionable for a time. Other substances, including petroleum jelly, were in use for this purpose earlier. During this time Brylcreem had the jingle which was "Brylcreem A Little Dab'll Do Ya" which was introduced to the TV viewers at that time. This greasy substance used by men, so they could slick and style down their hair. It comes in a tube and a small amount is squeezed out, rubbed between the palms, and applied to the head. The company brylcreem has been around for a long time. They market gels, wax and cream. Brylcreem are still around today, but they are not as popular as they were back then. They also tried to come back into the market as they tried to introduce new products and new packaging which was in 2002. The problem they had was that they sat back and let other companies join in. At that time they did not market very well. So now at the moment, not that many people use the product. So this company shouldn’t really be a problem for me. Dax This Company has just started over in the UK but is quite well known in the USA. The company has been established in 1983 in the USA and brought over to UK in the year 1994. There weakness is that they are not well known but are beginning to be known quite well. They have no marketing strategies out. They have two types of waxes out on the market. One of them is called â€Å"wave and groom† and the other â€Å"short and neat†. People have made complaints about there products before. The wave and groom product because it actually sticks to your hair like glue and people also say because their product is partly made out of oil it id hard to get out of your hair. They also supply a shampoo to get the wax out but it doesn’t say that on the wave and groom tin. They are a not so big here as they are in USA so my product should be able to withstand them. TRE semme TRE semme only do only one type of wax. They also do fibre putty which is a sticky wax. TRE semme has only been marketed nation- wide from August 2004. The products they do are shampoo’s, mousse,

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Film techniques

A shot Of a person landing to set a bomb in a building would for instance require the film maker to use a close up or better still an extreme close up to show the tense feeling in the characters' eye. Using a long shot in this scene will not clearly bring out the message since the long shot does not reveal details or emotions. Any motion picture is made up of basic elements of a sequence referred to as the shots. This paper illustrates how various shots are used in film making to form a sequence and to convey different messages.Extreme long shot It is usually referred to as an establishing shot. This is because it orients the ewer to the location. It is an opening shot that is used to tell the viewer the exterior environment that the film is taking place. It therefore describes the location of the scene that could be the outside buildings, a geographical landscape of a town or city among other locations. It normally reveals landscapes. Usually a viewer cannot clearly see a specific o bject in this kind of shot though he or she sees the environment.It answers the question ‘Where?. The extreme long shot can also be used to set the atmosphere of the scene. An extreme shot of an arid land with wind and dust blowing up into the air an tell the audience that the place is a dry atmosphere probably a desert scene. The shot can also be used to show a broad range of action. For example a battle of soldiers fighting each other can be captured using this shot so that no action is missed. Every action and element on set is to be seen since each MIS -en- scene tells a story.The actors on field fighting create suspense, the color on set could be used to relate the environment with a familiar one in the viewers' mind, the props could be used to effect the mood and so every miser-I-scene is captured using the extreme long shot. It is also known as the wide shot. Eng Shot (L S) It is usually taken with a wide-angle lens and at times referred to as the full shot. If the subj ect is a human being the shot usually display from head to toe without revealing much of the surroundings. This kind of shot usually establishes a relationship between the subject and its environment.In most cases it answers the question ‘Who' because it reveals the subject to the viewer. The shot identifies the character in the story. It is used to create an illusion of reality in the audiences' mind. It depicts an image in a manner that ill occur in real life. Take for instance when in real life a visitor walks in an office. The human eye just like the lens of the camera will first tale a wide look of the entire office, before looking at Mr.. X seated in the office chair then lastly the eye will start looking at small details such as the pen on the desk, files on the shelves and other tiny details.A long shot may at times be used to demean the subject because the subject appears smaller than the surrounding. Generally it sets in motion the audience's perception of time, plac e and logical action of the scene that is about to take place. Medium Shot (MS) A medium shot is usually used in conversations to establish the relationship between characters on stage. The shot does not demean the subject on the contrary it places the audience on equal footing with the subject. It therefore answers the question ‘what' because it shows the relationship between actors and events in the story.If the subject is a human being the shot shows from waist up to the head. A normal lens is used for shooting the medium shot. It is also used to smoothly bridge the jump between the L'S and the M. S so as to create an illusion of a mutinous Story in the mind of the viewer. A continuous Story depicts reality and leads to greater understanding of the story line. A two shot A two shot is a type of medium shot used in dialogue scene between two actors by having them both in the frame as they carry on their conversation. It is a common shot in interviews.It consists of two actor s standing or sitting next to each other or a variation of an over-dosshouses shot where one actor's back is closer to the camera than the other actor facing the camera. Close-up (CUE) It is the heart of the picture. This shot shows a part of the subject. For example, a close up of a hand of a human body or face or leg, or wristwatch on the arm. It is used to emphasize a character's emotion and can effectively be used to create suspense in the viewers' mind. This type of shot can also be used to show intimacy and warmth.The shot takes the viewer to the mind of the character and this way the audience is made to feel comfortable with the character on set. Extreme Close-Up (SEC) This shot is taken using a telephoto lens and is tighter than a close up shot. It shows a small detail that would otherwise be missed in a wider shot. It is armorial referred to as a detail shot that shows emotions to the audience. The SEC is also used to create some emotion in the viewer% eyes. For instance a scene of a person crying, this sad emotion will clearly be depicted if the viewer notices the tears falling from a subject's eyes.In most cases it answers the question ‘To what effect' because it depicts emotions. An extreme close-up can also be used to bring about the dramatic aspect of a story. For instance two characters quarrelling in a film, the editor might decide to use an SEC of a knife on the table to create anxiety in the viewer's mind. The viewer is left anticipating what will happen next in the conflict and how the knife will be used. The SEC can also be used to achieve the editing principle of duration and pace. It is used in creating high tempo in a story.For instance when the storyline is approaching end of its climbing action, the duration of the shots are usually short and the action is ramping up, this is the time when an SEC is effectively used. They set up the pace of the film. For example a scene that involves police chasing kidnappers, the editor would us e SEC combined with other shots but cut at a fast speed to intensify the action. In a film that's mainly a documentary focusing on nature, an extreme close up is used to show viewers even the tiniest of creatures such as crawling insects. This is because it tends to enlarge the image.A good example is The National Geographic documented series that uses the SEC to capture images that are out Of eyes reach unless one uses the telephoto lens. Reaction shot A reaction shot such as a smiling lady would depict emotions to the viewer during a conversation on set. This type of shots are also used to tell a characters' trait . Let can also be a cut away or cut in. A cut away is a shot that is not part of the main action but is related to the scene. For example a shot of a clock on the wall when people are talking in a room is a cut away.It can also be a cut -in which on the other hand is related to the main action. For example a shot that's a close up of a lady grin her face as she prepares a fish meal and another one of her hands washing the fish. These two types of reaction shots are used to add interest in the story and to kill monotony of action. The eye likes variety. They shot helps the viewer not to get bored as they add interest to the story. Arc shot A shot in which the camera is usually placed at a higher angle, and it rotates the subject in a semi-circle.This shot reveals new details about the background that the subject is standing on and is effectively used to glue the audience to the scene. The shot creates a dramatic feel to the scene while drawing the audience attention. Dutch shot This is a shot where the camera is deliberately tilted on its side, to create an oblique angle. It is often used to suggest disorientation, to create a dramatic effect, to portray uneasiness, to create a frantic mood or to show a harassers' intoxication. Was commonly used by German Expressionism.It is usually used to show the psychological uneasiness or tension in the subject being filmed. Camera angles can also be used to give a variety of shots that pass a message to the viewer. A camera angle refers to the relationship between the camera and the object being shot. They are used to draw emotional feelings to the audience, to help the audience in judging the character on set and even their personality. The Bird's-Eye view A scene is shot from directly overhead. The subject is made to look insignificant and very small.The shot creates an illusion in the viewers' mind that a character is powerless and out of control of the situation. Filmmakers use this shot in horror scenes to show a victims' desperate situation. For example a character running from murderers may want to hide in a basement of a building out of fear of being killed; the compression will take his/ her shot using the birds view shot to show the desperate state. A High angle shot This shot usually looks slightly down upon a subject. It is usually shot using a crane, a compression standing o n a hill, or on a raised surface.The subjects appear smaller than they actually are in real life or under normal eye level view. Just like the birds eye view shot, it is normally used to create an illusion in the viewers' mind that the character is powerless. For example a scene of a mum scolding a child, the child can be taken using a high angle to show the viewer that the mum is more powerful than the child. A low angle shot This shot looks up to a subject and it gives power to the subject. It is normally taken with a camera placed lower than the subject's eye or as low as the ground (The worms view).

Friday, January 3, 2020

Compare How Feelings Towards Another Person Are Presented...

Compare how feelings towards another person are presented in ‘Hour’ and ‘To His Coy Mistress. †¨36 marks While ‘hour’ presents feelings of more romantic love, ‘To his coy mistress’, presents the idea of a more physical love. But both poems are based upon many of the same ideas, but are shown in different ways. For example the ideas of Nature, sense of greed, sense of time moving too quickly and a sense realistic love. In the poem ‘hour’, there is a feeling that all they have is an hour but yet, time is travelling two fast, â€Å"For thousands of seconds we kiss†. By using the word ‘thousands’, it gives the impression that each second is very precious. And each second is a â€Å"treasure† that needs to be carefully counted, whereas in ‘to his coy†¦show more content†¦Another thing he uses to warn the woman that they should have sex before they get too old is the quote â€Å"though we cannot make our sun†. The sun is always moving, much like time, so they must have sex before there time (Or beauty and passion) runs out. It is another illustration he uses to show her why the need to have sex Now. The word ‘sun’ is also a homophone of the word ‘son’, which they could make when they have sex. In ‘too his coy mistress’ nature is used in a way to convince the lady that she should have sex with him; he us es the quote â€Å"Deserts of vast eternity†. The poet used the word ‘deserts’ because deserts are often barren, and so would their relationship be without sex. Also, in that day, barren also meant that the woman would not be able to have children, and now she is not giving the opportunity to have children so the word ‘desert’ could be used as an insult/threat to the lady. He also uses the quote â€Å"Like the morning dew†, he uses this quote to represent her youthfulness, and how quickly it will fade, like dew in the morning. Trying to convince her that she should sleep with him while they are still young and passionate. Another link to nature and also to the previous desert quote is â€Å"Quaint honor turned to dust†, the poet uses the word quaint to show how beingShow MoreRelatedHow the Negative and Positive Impacts of Love Are Explored Using Various Main Characters in the Play ‘Much Ado About Nothing’5155 Words   |  21 Pagesproved that their relationship was founded on social acceptance and practicality. They were not equals. These ideas about the strong feelings of love and their negative and positive impacts can also be explored in a selection of pre 20th century poems. Beatrice and Benedick have a relationship that consists of witty argument and they both have a very negative attitude towards love. However as the play progresses-despite being so against the idea of love their opinions change and they gradually, unconventionallyRead MoreThe Epithet in the Novel Jane Eyre18849 Words   |  76 Pagesanalyze choice of epithets from his novel applying the received knowledge. In Conclusions we summarize the results which were obtained while carrying out our research. In Bibliography we propose the list of the consulted books with the names of their authors and years of their edition. The research done testifies to the great role of epithets in the creation of imaginativeness, expressiveness, evaluativeness as the basis for exposing of narrator’s attitude towards the given situation. Thus epithetsRead MoreIgbo Dictionary129408 Words   |  518 Pages Abbreviations: Parts of speech of headwords have been indicated in this edition as follows adj. aux. v. cf. coll. conj. dem. E. enc. esp. ext. suff. H. infl. suff. int. int. lit. n. num. p.n. prep. pron. poss. quant. usu. v. Y. adjective auxiliary verb compare colloquial conjunction demonstrative English enclitic especially extensional suffix Hausa inflectional suffix interjection interrogative literally noun numeral proper name preposition pronoun possessive pronoun quantifier usually verb Yoruba derived